Posts in Inspiring Stories
Are You Ready for the Summer?

Peter likes to run the trails in his neighborhood and work out on equipment in the park. Maria is crazy about hiking with her weighted backpack. And Joe rides his bike as often as possible, even to the grocery store and his favorite watering hole. These are just three of the responses received recently when asking people what kinds of activities they enjoy outside of the gym.

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Gaining Plank-spiration from a 58-year-old World Record Holder

DonnaJean Wilde, a 58-year-old retired educator, made headlines recently when she set a world record for abdominal planking by a woman.

She received official recognition from the Guinness World Record folks for holding a plank for 4 hours, 30 minutes and 11 seconds in Magrath, a town in Alberta, Canada. That was 10 minutes longer than the previous record, set in 2019, Guinness says on its website.

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Strength Helps Him Be an Active Granddad

What type of grandparent do you want to be? The strong and healthy kind that plays with the grandkids, even learning new sports later in life? Or the frail, retreating kind that sits and watches, instead? Well, we all know which we would rather be: strong and healthy, right? Strength makes all the difference as we age. We all lose muscle as we age unless we practice resistance training to maintain muscle. Without it, we get to the point where we simply can’t do much of anything.

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A Fitness Love Story: It’s Part of the Secret

What’s the secret to a long, happy marriage? For Karl and Susan, who just celebrated 61 years together, it’s a combination of things. Like being kind and thoughtful with each other, while maintaining common interests and enjoying walks on the beach… And keeping the romance alive, with sweet gestures every day, like the way he brings her tea in bed every morning… And … EXERCISE!

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Strength Training to Push What’s Possible

India Bridgette is a professor in the course titled “What’s Possible?” The 61-year-old champion sprinter and former Marine knows it takes discipline to answer that question and to excel at anything. She recently added strength training to that answer, too – for everyone, no matter what age, lifestyle, or fitness goals. Working out with weights has helped her show What’s Possible on the track and in everyday life.

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She Proves It’s Never Too Late to Start Exercising

A motto can be effective for anyone trying to get in shape. Angela Staab uses one you’ve heard before or seen on T-shirts. But she also has come up with her own bit of advice and encouragement “You can’t be a slug.” Now almost 80, she has used it to motivate her through life as a “senior athlete,” working out with a trainer regularly, enjoying time with family, and improving her quality of life.

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Overcoming Myths About Active Aging

Ever heard someone say something like this? “Oh, he’s a very handsome man for his age. ”What about: “I don’t like waiting on old people because they’re so tight with their money.” These are all part of the persistent myths attached to people over 50. But like many myths, they’re wrong when it comes to the millions and millions of active agers who are fit and determined to enjoy life as long as possible.

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Success Story: ‘It’s Like My Second Chance’

Sheila Howard didn’t recognize herself in the mirror after she ballooned to more than 300 pounds in her late 40s. “I looked foreign to myself. I said, ‘I know you’re in there. You’re trapped inside yourself, and we’re going to get you out,’” Sheila recalls now at 57. It took years, but she finally did, after two scary medical diagnoses, multiple surgeries – and completely changing her lifestyle to include exercise and healthy eating.

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Success Story: She’s So Glad She Found Weightlifting

Like most women of her generation, Margaret Cone, now 79, never saw much reason to lift weights. She had always been pretty active and tried to stay in decent shape. Her family had a strong health history. But about 10 years ago, Margaret noticed she had gained weight from the long hours she was putting in at her sedentary job. And to make things worse, her doctor diagnosed her with high blood pressure.

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Gorgeous at 70 and Beyond

Sports Illustrated’s annual swimsuit issue has been a touchstone of fit female beauty for decades. This year’s edition features the oldest woman ever to appear on the cover, which heralds her as a world-class beauty at 74. It’s Maye Musk, mother of Elon, herself a veteran model who proves you can still knock ‘em dead well past 50.

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