Sometimes It Takes Personal Modification

Tony, a lifelong tennis player, is in his mid-50s now. When he started noticing his game wasn’t as sharp as it used to be, he thought gym workouts might help restore his power and relieve some pain. But the trainer he used ignored Tony’s personal needs and past injuries, even when Tony said he didn’t like certain exercises. “He just kept saying ‘Do it more’ and ‘Try harder,’” Tony says. “I quit going. I just didn’t see the point.”

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Are You Ready for the Summer?

Peter likes to run the trails in his neighborhood and work out on equipment in the park. Maria is crazy about hiking with her weighted backpack. And Joe rides his bike as often as possible, even to the grocery store and his favorite watering hole. These are just three of the responses received recently when asking people what kinds of activities they enjoy outside of the gym.

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Gaining Plank-spiration from a 58-year-old World Record Holder

DonnaJean Wilde, a 58-year-old retired educator, made headlines recently when she set a world record for abdominal planking by a woman.

She received official recognition from the Guinness World Record folks for holding a plank for 4 hours, 30 minutes and 11 seconds in Magrath, a town in Alberta, Canada. That was 10 minutes longer than the previous record, set in 2019, Guinness says on its website.

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When to Pause on the Path and Look Back

Here’s a “hot take” on a common bit of advice that tells us to “Never look back – you’re not going that way.” Yeah, sure. But here’s the deal. If you don’t look back sometimes, then how can you review where you’ve been – and feel great about how far you’ve come? If you’re always looking ahead to a goal off on the horizon, then you’re always going to be unsatisfied – because that goal, and the horizon, will constantly move farther away from your grasp.

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Want Longevity? ‘Keep Moving’

Do you want to live to be 100? More people are reaching that mark nowadays than ever before, and the trend will skyrocket in the coming decades.  The topic of longevity is having a moment, darn near approaching a cultural obsession. What can we do to live NOT JUST LONGER but also BETTER. What role does exercise play in all of this?

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You Can Change Your Position on the Fitness Spectrum

It’s easy to think of aging as a steady decline. But fitness proves it doesn’t have to be that simple and dreadful. If you exercise regularly, you’re more likely to maintain physical abilities. Period. So think of it as a sliding scale – with physical dependence at one end and being an elite athlete on the other. Nobody wants to be physically dependent, of course. And while most of us don’t aspire to be an elite athlete, everybody wants something in the broad middle there. We want to be fit so we can stay independent and avoid becoming frail for as long as possible.

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You’re Never Too Old to Benefit from Strength Training

Here’s a gift from the world of science to anyone thinking about whether exercise and aging go together.

If you’re afraid to try strength training, or if you think you’re too old or too banged up or too fragile… well, think again. A new study found that people in their 60s, 70s and beyond can start lifting weights, quickly make significant improvements, and improve their strength, health and mobility. What’s more, the study found that weightlifting is good for people in their 80s and 90s.

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10 Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season

The holidays can be a “good news, bad news” situation for some people. The good news: We get time off from work, we get to see families and friends, and we get to eat our favorite foods. The bad news: Disrupted schedules, busy calendars, and extra calories can throw us off our healthy tracks. It doesn’t have to be this way. You can enjoy the holidays AND maintain the commitments you’ve made all year to eating right and exercising regularly. 

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Exercise Helps Prevent, Treat Diabetes

Fifteen years ago, Alan Rosenthal was a fit 60-year-old who had just returned from a bicycle trip through France. Then a blood test revealed type 2 diabetes. His doctor gave him a three-day course on diet, exercise, and self-care. The doctor also recommended a local trainer. And even though Alan knew his way around a gym, he adopted a new perspective and learned workouts to keep him healthy.

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Fall Hiking: Accept the Invitation to Move

Do you hear Mother Nature calling? 

How can you resist the temptation to get out and enjoy the cooler temps and the mesmerizing transformation of fall foliage? Even if it means a short drive to reach the perfect spot, the rewards of nature are worth it.

But there's more to this than just a visual treat. With a fall hike or even a leisurely stroll outdoors, you get a super-charged workout that doesn't even feel like exercise.

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