Our genetics, history, and luck are not the sole determinants of how we age. With a commitment to physical activity and other healthy choices, we can choose the path to living a healthy, vibrant, and independent life.

Schedule a free consultation with Colleen: 707.217.7188


Move through life with confidence.

By improving our mobility, balance, strength, and endurance through functional fitness training, we can significantly and sometimes dramatically affect the changes that are hard-wired into our systems.


The only studio in the North Bay exclusively for older adults.

I established CR Functional Fitness because I passionately believe that becoming “old and frail” is not inevitable.

One of the most effective ways to change our aging trajectory is through exercise, and specifically, through functional training that helps us move better, easier, and free of pain through the activities we enjoy so that we can keep doing them.

Oftentimes, people take a fatalistic attitude about what the future holds and cite the example of a relative who never exercised a day in their life yet lived to be 99. It can happen…but I believe staying functionally capable so that I can live independently is far too important to leave to chance.

What will your future look like?

None of us want to imagine ourselves as infirm. Yet inactivity combined with the natural changes that affect every system in our body can accelerate the aging process to the degree that we’re not able to participate in the activities keep us independent and make life worth living. If we drop below the disability threshold and can’t climb stairs or get up from a chair or the floor, we risk losing our independence.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Our ability to live fulfilling, confident, strong, and functionally capable lives in our 60s, 70s, and beyond, begins now.


My Approach.

CR Functional Fitness is the only studio in the North Bay dedicated to working exclusively with older adults and seniors.

I offer individual personal training or small group classes virtually or in my fully-equipped, 2100 sq ft studio in Petaluma, CA. My clientele ranges in age from 56 to 90, from highly fit individuals to clients who use a walker. Regardless of their level of fitness, my goal for all my clients is to improve mobility, reduce the risk of falling, gain strength, increase endurance, and maintain brain health.

To achieve those goals, we’ll use a variety of modalities – such as resistance bands, dumbbells, and medicine balls – to prepare our body for real-life movements including pushing, pulling, raising and lowering our body’s center of mass.

We’ll progress safely yet consistently, so that we challenge our bodies in new ways. No two sessions will be the same.


I love Colleen's workouts that focus on functionality. She pays attention to any physical problems I have and makes adjustments when needed. She draws from a vast repertoire of exercises and stretches that she has collected throughout the years. Colleen makes it fun and interesting to workout and I feel so good afterward!

- Claire L.

Big shout out to Colleen, who has kept me inspired and motivated to work out to the best of my abilities by providing a beautiful, spacious, clean studio space, and expertise training that is catered to my personal needs. Each workout is specifically and thoughtfully planned with constant guidance. Colleen leads by example and is passionate about helping us achieve and maintain optimum physical strength and health.

- Margo G.